Social media is an online service that makes it possible for individuals all over the world to connect and share ideas. These platforms also make the building of a community possible, where like-minded individuals can share content and ideas. There are thousands of social media platforms for marketing. Some of the most popular ones include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Quora, and LinkedIn. These boast of millions of daily active users.This makes social media business promotion easier.

Social media platforms are a great opportunity for businesses to expand their business since it is easier to reach out to anyone anywhere and anytime. About 97% of marketers are using various social media channels. However, it is amazing that only about 50% of small businesses are making use of the platforms to promote their business.

This creates a major gap between popular businesses and those that are just starting. The reason behind the lack of use might be that most small businesses do not know the benefit of making use of these platforms. This article seeks to elaborate on the benefits of using social media marketing for your business.


With billions of active social media users on all platforms, social media marketing can help increase your brand awareness within a short period. This is why small businesses need social media for marketing their business. It makes it easier to tell the world about the mission and vision of your business or the products you sell. Social media will help make it easier to grow your brand awareness in the following aspects:


Social media business promotion, compared with the traditional market adverts, helps get your business to the front of your target audience quicker. This is a plus for businesses making use of social media platforms since consumers prefer to buy from brands they recognize. 

To achieve easy brand recognition, it is best to create a good profile on whatever social media platform you intend to use. You should also upload professional cover photos. Place your business logo and the visual elements of your business in strategic positions. This makes it easier to see by online customers.


Social media makes it easier to respond to your audience’s questions and requests. This is possible when you create engaging content or upload captivating pictures on your social media account. Users will tend to comment, which you can easily respond to. This will make it easier for your target audience to connect better with your brand.


Social listening is the act of understanding the needs and concerns of your target audience. This is possible using social media platforms as you can find out what your audiences want and create engaging content in line with that. You can also change the tone and style of your content to match that of your audience. This will help increase engagement and grow brand awareness.


Audience research is similar to social listening but a little more specific. It allows you to know the specific keywords that your audience is searching for on social media platforms. 

This means you can find out the trending products in your niche. You can then create engaging content or promote products that match the keywords your audience is searching for. This will make it easier for your target audience to know your brand name, which can increase awareness in no time.


Social media marketing in business can help increase traffic to your business, whether online or offline. This is made possible using the following approaches:


Social media makes it possible to get more inbound traffic streams from different locations. It is easier to achieve an increase in traffic using social media business promotion strategy than relying on search engines. Generating direct traffic to your social media platforms should be done strategically.  

This means you must follow a particular posting pattern. You do not want to overburden your audience by posting every time because you want to increase your blog traffic. It is best to have a particular posting schedule, which will link back to your blog or website. This will make your posts more effective as you will even have enough time to work on SEO.


Social media marketing can also help link building. This in turn helps your website or business rank on search engines. When you post content on social media and get a lot of engagement and shares, some other websites might want to write similar content to yours, and they will link back to your content. 

This will help boost your post ahead of that of your competitors. Google and Bing also display tweets and Facebook posts with a high number of shares and likes.


Retargeting is another great way of generating more sales in your business. Only about 2% of customers make a purchase the first time they visit your website. This is why you need to use retargeting ads, which is possible using social media platforms. You place anonymous cookies within the browsers of people who visit your website. When they visit social media sites, the retargeting service displays the ads to them. 

Hence, your products or service keeps being in your audience’s mind as they get to see it often. This way, there is a great chance that they will want to buy from you when the need arises.


Marketing on social media is a great way to increase your social media business promotion. Small and medium scale businesses should maximize as it will help boost your business ahead of your competitors.

Social media marketing requires commitment and dedication, and it is best to get a social media expert to handle your social media accounts for you. This is where I come in. 

As a social media analyst and expert, I can help create engaging content for your business. This will boost your social media presence and ultimately increase your brand awareness. 

Contact me today, and let’s get started!


I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. Follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram to access several updates on Business, Work, Marketing, Freelancing, and How to Build a Reputable/Profitable Brand or Business on the Internet.

About the Author John Oladokun Opeyemi

John Oladokun Opeyemi is a Content Writer, Social Media Analyst and SEO strategist that loves helping brands and businesses achieve their objective via working digital solutions.

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