Landing page written in a notebook. SEO concept.

One of the most important things to consider as a website owner is how to create a landing page for your business. It is what your audience sees first when they get to your website, i.e., homepage,etc. In this article, you’ll learn how to create, design & write a landing page copy for business.

Setting up a landing page is one of the best marketing strategies to consider when creating brand awareness online as it can have a huge impact in your lead generation results. While setting up landing pages, it is possible to overlook some important things, and this is why you need to note these considerations and implement them during the creation process.


A lot of people find difficulty knowing how to write landing page copy for their websites. Many times, it is due to a lack of adequate knowledge, in which case, the services of a professional content marketer can be employed. This article, however, presents adequate knowledge on what to do. So, to create a landing page for your business, do the following:


You need to understand the importance of simplicity to increase the conversion rate of your landing page. The last thing you want to do is confuse your audience. Hence, it is important to keep your marketing content simple.

It is better to focus on a singular offer than littering the page. It can get confusing and overwhelming when you are offering a lot to your audience all at once. Even if you have multiple services, you should write the best and catchiest of them on the landing page. It will help your audience understand what you do better, ensure they have a good buyer’s journey while reading and be spurred to take action.


Your landing page needs a proper layout, as this can help your audience understand your brand better. The layout should consist of a headline, subheadline, a body copy, and a call to action. The headline must be value-driven and attractive. Writing a headline aims to capture the attention of your audience, wanting them to want to read more.

Below the headline is a sub-header, which does not have to be as flashy, but must be practical and clear. The sub-header summarizes what the audience will get from reading through a copy of your landing page. It has to be short since you will still be explaining better in your website’s body copy.

The body copy is a more detailed form of the headline and sub-header. In the real sense, your audience should be able to get enough information about your brand from the headline or sub-header. However, the body copy is for those who want to learn more about your business. This is why you need to make your body copy clear and detailed. The body copy should be written in short paragraphs, as this will help your audience flow easily with your content. Using bullet points is also great as it will help your audience to scan through easily.

The last in this layout section is your call to action, which is the most important part of the content. There is no point in writing a landing page without including a call to action. This is where you will direct your audience to take the right step, hence converting them to leads. It is best to make the color of your call to action different, such that it has a different contrast from the other parts of the landing page.

Using affirmative words that are short and precise as this will create a mindset of taking action immediately in your audience. You can also do A/B testing to compare what works best for your users and how to place the content properly.


An image speaks a lot about your brand, as well as what you have to offer. The kind of image you include on your landing page should tell your audience about your brand already, without even having to read the content yet. For instance, if you are into the sales of bags, you will need to include a clear image of top-quality bags, which perfectly represents the kind of bag you are selling.

The addition of alt-text to your image is also important. For some reason, the image you upload might not show up on your audience’s browser, however, if you include an alt-text in the image, this link will be clickable, and it can link to the sales page of your website. Also, some audiences might get too eager and want to click directly on your image to see where it gets them. Lastly, alt-text addition to your image can help increase your visibility online because the text is crawlable.


Social proof helps to build trust and boost your audience’s confidence. If you have ever gotten any approval from an expert or a celebrity, it is best you include it on the landing page. Also, testimonials from your product users can also be included on your landing page. Your landing page can use approval from a large group of people of friends. This can be made possible when you include links of your social media handles, so your audience can view the number of followers and engagements you are getting online.

(Read also on How to Use Instagram for Brand Awareness).


According to recent statistics, 75% of users in the U.S access the internet via their mobile devices. This means that you need your page to be mobile-friendly if you want to attract a larger number of visitors. This means you need to remove any unnecessary design elements while making your page’s elements large enough. You should also ensure to include enough paddings in the design of your landing page to make it easier to view on the mobile device.


Implementing all the practices listed above will definitely help to uptick your conversion and increase your sales. You would need professional content marketing services as well when creating landing pages. I am an experienced content marketer and I write amazing landing page copies for brands and businesses.

Contact me Now.

Let’s get your business to the next level.


I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. Follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram to get access to several updates on Business, Work, Marketing, Freelancing, and How to Build a Reputable/Profitable Brand or Business on the Internet.

About the Author John Oladokun Opeyemi

John Oladokun Opeyemi is a Content Writer, Social Media Analyst and SEO strategist that loves helping brands and businesses achieve their objective via working digital solutions.

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